Bennett’s Birthday Letter — Year Eleven

My Bennett Christopher, 

Happy birthday! Since you lost your last baby tooth the day before your 11th birthday, I suppose we could say that you have officially left baby-dom behind. Only adult things for you now, I guess. Seems fitting, since, without hesitation, you said that one of the things you’re most looking forward to this year is learning more about the periodic table! Chemistry, here we come. No more of that baby stuff for you. 

This last year with 10-year-old you was fun! We went on a big family trip to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Antelope Canyon, and the Grand Canyon a few months ago. In true Bennett style, you were unstoppable. “Vacation Mode Bennett” is a force to be reckoned with. If you could have explored and adventured constantly instead of sleeping, you would have. Though you got very valuable practice in maintaining pace with the family, it was fun to see you in your element, with every bit of energy “ready for adventure, whatever comes your way.” Much to your delight, you did get to go on Bright Angel Trail with Dad and go at your own pace. You even got to see a California condor! That was probably the highlight of your trip. We also went camping a couple of times over the last year, for the first time with all five of us! During the second trip, we all learned the dangers of a sudden June thunderstorm in Texas. I am confident that we will all be more aware and better prepared next time around. 

Sports! You are now a high rank, advanced red belt in tae kwon do–an achievement you’ve attained solely during the off-season, because you’ve been pitching for the Jags over the last year and learning so much. I’ve noticed you taking your training more seriously, realizing that you can’t rely only on your time on the field or on the mat, but that you have to invest personal time as well in order to succeed. You have grown so much in independence and responsibility in other areas as well: doing most of your school work without help, running errands into the store for us, helping cook, and helping around the house. I’m just so very proud of you.

As you embark on this year, you’ll be completing your very last year in Foundations and Essentials in CC, entering your middle school years, and graduating from Sunday school. You’re growing up! So, “Goodbye forever, 10-year-old Bennett!” Now that I’ve taken a moment or three to cry about that, here’s a joke to kick off this year: “A man recently died when a periodic table display fell on him. The official cause of death was “exposure to the elements.” HA!

Bennett, you are an amazing kid. So fun and funny, brilliant and caring. You bring joy to my life every day, and you teach me how to be a better person. I am so incredibly grateful to God that He gave you to me to watch over while you grow up. Happy Operation X birthday! I love you so much!! 


One more: Why do you think Superman always avoided chemistry? Because it has Krypton!

Luke — Year Seven

Luke! (Or, as Pop Pop aptly calls you, “Lucky Bugs!”) You are seven today. Seven whole, entire years of your bright light bopping around in my life, making me laugh, showing me love, and just generally filling up my heart. I am SO blessed that you’re mine. (And no one else’s! I’m keeping you forever!) I digress.

This year has been so fun! Over the last year, you have continued to improve your critter-hunting skills, and you are well-known for your uncommon ability and insatiable desire to find any spider, bug, insect, reptile, or amphibian within your reach, wherever you might be. If there’s a stone, you’re peeking under it. Log? You’re rolling it over. Brick or tile? Checking to see if it’s loose. Pile of brush or leaves? Digging around in it. You regularly disappear, but all I have to do is think, What would a bug do? And as soon as I have an idea of that, I can make quick work of finding you. You’re never far, but you’re always where the critters would be.

Beyond your relentless training regimen for National Geographic and Animal Planet, this year has generally been one of growth and learning for you. A year ago in Tae Kwon Do, you were a Little Dragon blue belt just beginning your white belt training in the Juniors level. As of today, you’re recommended for advanced green belt, and you’ve been sparring and training in the leadership program for months. You’ve even done some board breaking! Watching you grow in confidence and skill has been so exciting, and I just love to see you achieve excellence on the mat.

You also began piano lessons, completely dominating the beginner piano book! You have already participated in two recitals — one a formal, Christmas recital on stage with a grand piano, and the other as part of a Valentine’s gift from our homeschool group to a local nursing home. While I can’t say you expressed much excitement about performing in front of a crowd either time, you accepted the challenge and played “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “Night Owl” wonderfully. The audiences loved you both times, and I was extra proud of you.

I’ve noticed other ways that you’ve grown over the last year as well. You’ve been more fully playing the role of big brother as you and Dillon have gotten a little older. You watch out for him; you help him when he needs it; you read books to him; you comfort him when he’s sad; and you advocate for him when he’s misunderstood. I have loved seeing your relationship mature. In the last year also, we’ve seen a war break out in Europe, and you became an immediate and passionate intercessor for Ukraine, as they have been attacked and displaced. Watching your heart on display like this encourages mine to be more like Jesus.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention all the places you got to travel (and hunt for critters!) this year. We went to Houston with the Coopers; cruised on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas to Cozumel, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman; visited the Dausters in Houston; stayed in a cabin in Broken Bow with Grammie and Pop right after Christmas; and took a mom and kids fun trip up to Arbuckle Wilderness after y’all earned enough “warm fuzzies”! You are a great travel buddy, and I love seeing the world through your eyes — you discover little four-, six-, and eight-legged gifts from God that I would have walked right by. Thanks for helping me slow down and see.

All in all, it’s been another great year with you! You’re my favorite. I love watching you grow and discover the unique person God made you to be. Happy birthday, Critter Man!


Dillon’s Birthday Letter — Year Four


The long-awaited day has arrived! You are FINALLY four years old! I know you cannot wait to tell Mr. Jordan and Mr. Powell that you’re ready to start your very own tae kwon do class. Little Dragons, here we come! 

That’s the kind of spirit you bring with you wherever you go. You’re always up for any adventure, and you’re eager to show that you can do it yourself! You have two big brothers — whom you call “my Bennett” and “my Luke” — ahead of you, and you do a pretty impressive job of keeping up with them! Running, climbing, scootering, hunting for bugs and critters, playing baseball, helping with the garbage bins; you will try anything. You always want to be in the middle of the action and show what a big boy you are, and for me, that means a lot of you dragging the kitchen step stool over to me as you ask, “Can I make with you?” This year, you even helped with your own dinosaur birthday cupcakes, and you made them look so amazing! 

A few things you like: dinosaurs (especially t-rexes), Aladdin (the new one), and the folksong Waltzing Matilda (but mostly only when that one guy sings it). You love to make jokes and see everyone’s reaction. Your nickname “Silly Dilly” is especially appropriate. You love to paint, color, draw, and do lessons. You REALLY like Reading Eggs on my phone, and you’re certainly becoming a smarty-pants with your letters and sounds. I’ve noticed that you’re particularly good at building with your blocks, and I’m always impressed by the castles and forts you create. And your animal setups, oh man! So cool and specifically designed.

You’re also a young man who speaks his mind without reservation. Sometimes, that does get you in trouble, it’s true. Many times, however, it’s really helpful because you’re able to tell people exactly how you feel and what you like and don’t like, which helps us to help you. But it isn’t always your feelings you share; you spit straight facts. Quite regularly, you remind me that God loves you. And that Jesus loves you. Sometimes it makes sense when you say it, like when we’re reading the Bible or praying, but other times you just say it out of the blue. I love that! It means it’s on your mind and settling deep into your heart: you are loved by God. Does Mommy love you? Yes. So much. But Jesus loves you more, and you’re quick to remember that. I hope you always do. 

Happy birthday, Dilly Pickle Pie! Welcome to year four! 

Love, Mommy

Bennett’s Birthday Letter — Year Ten

Dear Bennett,

Well, well, well. Welcome to the double digits, my man! You’ll be here for most of your life, so settle in. Ten years! I can’t believe it was ten years ago when I told your Daddy I thought it was time to go to the hospital. Now look at you! Such a handsome, big-hearted young man, full of zeal and the desire to live every moment to its fullest and to do what is good and right.

This last year has been one of stretching and growth, as you stepped into greater responsibility in school with the Esssentials program in CC as well as the Leadership program in Tae Kwon Do. It has not always been easy, but you have met the related challenges with enthusiasm and determination, showing your inner drive for excellence at every turn. In CC, you wrote and orally presented a written paper every week, and in Tae Kwon Do, you began to learn in new ways what it means to live a life of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and victory with an indomitable spirit both on and off the mat. You also kick and punch your opponents with everything you’ve got! You’re entering your double digits as a confident fifth grader and a dedicated blue belt. You have accomplished so much!

Of course, you still love to read. You always have several books going at once, in addition to your school readings. You keep very detailed notes about things that interest you. One notebook is filled with field notes about nature, while another has extensive records of the laws, culture, and eco-system of your world, Guan. Your favorite president is Teddy Roosevelt. (Your least favorite is Taft, but we won’t get into that.) You love baseball. You’ve grown so much in your love for piano, even making up your own songs or adding flair to pieces you’ve previously mastered. You love climbing anything and everything, always being “ready for adventure, whatever comes your way.” You would go on a vacation adventure every week if you could, making friends and memories all over the world! You display natural leadership abilities, which I see displayed even with strangers on a playground. Inevitably, you will meet everyone and rally them together into a group game, being sure everyone is welcomed, their names are known, and the mission is clear. You also display admirable tenderness and patience with the youngest ones. You’re a young man of faithful prayer with a passion for evangelism, peace, and justice. And although you’ve always had a long list of things you want to be when you grow up, you’ve recently decided you want to fly for the Air Force! Makes sense–you always aim high!

Bennett, here’s the bottom line: you’re a great kid. You have a sincere heart for serving God and for connecting with others. Oh hey, two greatest commandments, right? Love God and love others. Boom. You teach me every day. The last ten years with you have been amazing, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has for the next ten! Happy birthday!



Dillon’s Birthday Letter — Year Three

Dilly Pickle Pie, YOU ARE THREE!

Happy birthday!

It has been so exciting to watch you grow over the last year. You’re so full of life and personality, and now your vocabulary is catching up so much that we’re getting to know you in such fun ways! One of my favorite examples is that you always have a song in your heart. You wake up singing, you go to bed singing, you sing in the car, in the backyard, on the couch, at the park… You’re definitely my singin’est boy! Your current favorites are: “Da-Das,” (which refers to the three songs sung by King George in the Broadway musical Hamilton, because there are a lot of “da-das” in those songs), “Old MacDonald,” “Ship,” (this one can refer to any of a few sea shanties, but especially “Wellerman”), “The Timeline Song” from CC, and “Jesus Loves Me.” You probably know a million songs, though—no exaggeration.

You still climb everything—including me—but you’re beginning to observe some of the boundaries we place around that. You drag chairs and stepstools all over the house because you need to be part of whatever I’m doing, and it’s just so hard to get a good view when you’re only thigh-high! You are definitely my most enthusiastic helper and my biggest fan. I don’t go anywhere without you!

This year brought some exciting firsts! You survived The Great Texas Snowpocalypse and Colossal Power Outage of 2021! (It was cold. You hated being bundled and wouldn’t stay by the fire. We finally went to Grammie and Pop-Pop’s for electricity.) Once it warmed up real good, you had your first swimming lessons, and we discovered—again—that you are incredibly brave (*cough*foolhardy*cough*)! Water doesn’t scare you a bit, and you just jump right on in because you love to go underwater. That doesn’t always go well; we’ll keep working on it. But probably your biggest adventure this year was going to Disney World! There were so many vehicles to enjoy: planes, buses, boats, trains, golf carts, and even a little horse! Seeing “The Duck,” along with Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and Daisy was really exciting, but those modes of transportation made your whole year. You still ask if we can go on a golf cart. Maybe you’ll make some rich friends one day.

Dilly, you’re my favorite. You’re so silly, so creative, so loving, so bold, and so fun. These last three years have been such a joy, and I can’t wait to watch you grow more into who God made you to be! (Except I can. Please stay little.) I love you forever! Happy birthday!



Bennett’s Birthday Letter — Year Nine

Dear Bennett,

Happy 9th birthday! Here you are, halfway to 18, becoming such an admirable young man. Over this past year—which has been a difficult one in many ways—I have seen you grow in maturity, in fortitude, in self-control, and in thoughtfulness. Whether it was in response to uncomfortable COVID procedures and alterations to our daily life, or to a snowpocalypse that crippled our sun- and electricity-loving state, or to lifestyle adjustments as we cared for Luke after his injury, you’ve consistently borne difficult and unexpected changes quite manfully, despite sadness and disappointment. You’ve found the good, found the reason to smile, adapted, and overcome. You’re showing me that you’re growing up.


One of the changes was starting school early so we can finish a proper summer break when Luke’s leg is completely healed. So, you’ve been working in fourth grade since the middle of the summer! It has been remarkable to see your transformation into these upper elementary grades. You’re independent and dependable, and you’re taking charge of your education and responsibilities. I’ve been so impressed!

168419053_10102020848670305_4355840894238972943_nProbably my most treasured memory this year was your baptism. You and Luke braved cold water in an outdoor, COVID-conscious, special service to be baptized on Easter weekend by your dad. It was such an emotional moment for us as your parents, because we know what a crucial decision following Jesus is, and we were blessed and encouraged to see your boldness and sincere enthusiasm. I don’t know what they are, but I know God has important plans for you.

Oh, time would simply fail me if I really talked about all of who you are: a thoughtful big brother, a dedicated team member, a curious researcher, a thoughtful gift-giver, a faithful intercessor, a ready adventurer, a hard worker, a passionate worshipper, a loyal son, a motivated learner, a disciplined tae kwon do student, an enthusiastic cook, a great friend, a concerned environmentalist, a wholehearted extrovert, a powerful warrior in the Kingdom of God. I cannot even believe God has given me the privilege of helping such an extraordinary young man grow up. I’m forever thankful.



I love you. You’re my favorite.* I’m gonna keep you forever. Happy birthday, Bennett Christopher, a.k.a. Superbo!



*Disclaimer: I routinely tell all my boys they’re my favorite, so don’t @ me. 😂

Luke — Year Five

LUKIE B!!! You are five! You little stinker, how did that happen?

Well, this has been kind of a weird year, what with the coronavirus trying to be everywhere. We’ve had to learn a new way of living, with face masks and social distancing and lots of hand sanitizer. Everything changed, and there were sometimes some disappointments as we weren’t able to do some things we normally would have done, but you were so great through it all! You actually took the lead in watching out for all of us, making sure we wore our masks and that other people kept their distance. You’ve shown yourself to be remarkably resilient, helpful, and vigilant.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, we still had some really fun firsts! You started CC for the first time in a class! Your tutor is Ms. Fricker, and our class meets outside to give those icky germs a little more space to fly away. It has been so cool to be in class with you and to watch your presentation abilities grow and your personality come through as you got to know everyone.

Your first baseball season was supposed to be in the spring, but everyone’s season got canceled due to that stinky COVID. You finally got to play in the fall, after MUCH anticipation, and you were on Coach Adrian and Coach Tiffany’s team, the Outlaws! Watching you run the bases for the first time was so exciting for all of us! You definitely have some of that Wade baseball talent, and we can’t wait to see what you do with your athletic abilities.

This year, we also started doing regular school lessons, and you have totally blown me away! You are doing so great learning to read, working your way to the Hundred Club, and adding. You are absolutely ROCKING Pre-K, and I can’t believe you’ll be starting kindergarten next year! But you are more than ready, for sure!

Lukie Pooks, you have brought so much joy to a really challenging year. No matter what comes, you always meet every day with giggles, a goofy smile, and at least 17 toot jokes. Even though you talk about a lot of gross stuff, I really admire your ability to have fun wherever you are and to cheer everyone up. I cannot imagine this family without your smile and your bockones-ness, and I am so thankful you’re mine! I’m gonna keep you forever! Happy 5th birthday! I can’t wait to watch you grow this year and then celebrate your fifth birthday again, since you promised you’d stop getting older just for me. I love you! You’re simply the best!






Remembering Chains

A devotion from Colossians 4:18

I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.

Paul ends this letter to the Colossians simply. He takes the stylus from his scribe, signs his name, and before closing with a blessing, he asks that his chains be remembered. But what does that mean? I’ve spent a couple of weeks mulling this over, and I’ve come up with a few possible ways we could meditate on this verse:

  • Remember those who are in prison. Pray for them. Support them. Visit them. Encourage them.1
  • Remember Paul’s willingness to sacrifice everything for the Gospel, and strive for the same type of devotion.2
  • Remember, simply, that this man is suffering. Paul was a real man writing to real friends, asking to not be forgotten. Who comes to mind as someone who’s suffering, chained in some way? Remember them, and Golden Rule them like crazy.3
  • Remember that Paul’s entire existence was meant to point to Christ. What was Christ’s suffering? Imagine your Jesus saying, “Remember my manger,” or “Remember my betrayal,” or “Remember my cross,” and let these remembrances help orient your priorities and practices in life.

I like all of these, and all of them are worthy ways to honor Paul’s plea and to center our hearts and affections upon the Lord. There’s one more, though, and it speaks to me the most:

Remember my limitations.

It’s like Paul is saying, “Remember that I’m in chains in Rome. I cannot do what you can do.”  He was a world-class apostle, well-known for his dramatic conversion, extreme faithfulness, and astoundingly powerful working of the Spirit through him, but he could do absolutely nothing in the way of hands-on ministry in Colossae. He could write letters and send friends, both of which may have taken weeks to arrive, but he could not pray with an idolatrous Colossian who was considering Christ. He could not minister to widows. He could not encourage a sinner. He could not teach a Bible study. He could not disciple anybody. He could not rebuke a false teacher or offer his commanding presence to give the local pastors courage to speak truth boldly. He could not collect money or food from the Church to help the hurting or destitute. His hands were, literally, bound.

Only the ordinary, individual believers could do these things.

The scared ones.

The baby believers. (Oh, weren’t they all?!)

The ones who’d never been used to heal anyone.

The ones who were embarrassed to pray out loud.

The ones who struggled intensely against temptations.

The ones who’d never read the Bible (such as they had it).

The ones who were still a little confused about some things.

The ones who felt inadequate and left out and even less than ordinary.

These are the beautiful people who make up the mosaic of the Body of Christ, and the world needs each of them. Each of you. No matter whom you may know who is more “this” or “that,” there are just some things that only you can do. So remember the other people’s chains—your pastors’, your pastors’ wives’, your parents’, your friends’, your fill-in-the-blanks’—and know that no matter how “good” or “gifted” they may be, or how nervous you may feel, they are not called to your calling.

Remember their chains, and trust that God’s grace will be with you.

Blessed New Year, Beloved!


  1. Hebrews 13:3
  2. 1 Corinthians 11:1
  3. Golden Rule



A devotion from Colossians 4:15-17

Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea. And say to Archippus, “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.”

The Laodicean church was a spiritual battleground.1 While nothing overtly negative is revealed in Colossians about Laodicea, the mention of the great struggle both Paul and Epaphras were engaging in on their behalf reveals both how beloved the church was and also that it faced great spiritual opposition.

Just a few decades later, Laodicea received a harsh rebuke directly from the Lord.2 He found the church repugnant, and revealed their self-delusion and self-righteousness in an open letter through John, offering exactly zero words of commendation. (He doesn’t seem to feel the need for a compliment sandwich.) This church, which Paul, Epaphras, and others battled for valiantly, really floundered under Domitian’s cultic reign. When their pocketbooks were pressured, they struggled (and apparently failed) to see the difference between temporal and eternal riches.3 Their Biblical legacy tends to end in our minds with words like “lukewarm” and “vomit”—what a hopeless situation!—but we too often forget the beautiful words of hope and love Jesus leaves them with after the cutting words of judgment:

“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”4

His arms were open, and His love for them plainly stated, but would they hear His rebuke and His welcome? This last Biblical chapter of Laodicea is a cliffhanger, but the historical record offers hope. The church apparently survived for centuries!5 Let Laodicea’s story encourage you today: even if all the words you can hear from the Lord are corrective, He is also speaking words of love, and he has a path prepared for you. It is the beloved child whom the father disciplines.6 God’s discipline is grace.

God’s discipline is grace.

Even if you have messed up, even if you feel like you’ve already been given chance after chance, remember the rest of Jesus’ words to Laodicea. They’re for you, too. Do you need to “buy” spiritual gold, white garments, or eye salve from Jesus today? How can you do that?

  1. Colossians 2:1; 4:13
  2. Revelation 3:14-22
  3. The Church of Laodicea in the Bible and ArchaeologyBiblical Archaeology Society
  4. See note 2.
  5. See note 3.
  6. Proverbs 3:11-12; Hebrews 12:6-11


Nympha and Archippus

A devotion from Colossians 4:15-17

Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea. And say to Archippus, “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.”

Here we have two individuals, Nympha and Archippus, from two separate churches. We have exhortations associated with both that will serve us well to take to heart.

Nympha, a feminine name, is rendered in some versions as “Nymphas,” which would indicate that this individual was actually a man. Scholars disagree on the translation, which is why you see variance among Bible versions. All we know about Nympha/s is that he or she hosted a church in his or her home, probably in Laodicea.1 Nympha/s created space for believers to gather, to worship, to minister and be ministered to, and to learn the ways of the Lord. Certainly risk and inconvenience were involved, and things got messy at times. But the priority was the Body of Christ, and this person made sacrifices to serve the Lord and the community in this way. She/he makes physical space and dedicates regular calendar time for the Spirit to work among believers. How can we, especially in this unique and difficult time of social distancing, follow Nympha/s’ example? People’s need for fellowship hasn’tchanged just because the rules have. What is one specific way we can help meet that need for one person this week? Ask the Lord to put someone on your heart.

Archippus was a Colossian leader possibly related to Philemon, perhaps as his son or his brother.2 Paul describes him as a “fellow soldier,” denoting an active role in fighting against the enemy in some way. Here in the letter to Collosae, Paul exhorts him: “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.” Let us direct that command to ourselves, by asking first what is our ministry? What is our service? How is it that the Lord has called each of us uniquely to serve Him right now? If we don’t have an answer for that, then we can’t answer Paul’s exhortation to fulfill the ministry. If you’re unsure of your calling right now, this is of utmost importance: spend time with the Lord and find it out. Then, consider how to fulfill it. Remember that your calling isn’t just about you; someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience.


  1. NymphaEncyclopedia of the Bible, from Bible Gateway
  2. Philemon 1:1-2